Henning was born in Dortmund, Germany. After years of playing keyboards and guitars in several bands, he joined forces with his brother Ingo and founded Nugel Bros. Music.
Focussing on music composition and sound design their portfolio included clients as EA Games, Funatics and Blue Byte and game titles like the well-loved „Settlers II – 10th Anniversary edition“. From very early on they collaborated with Dynamedion on several projects like „The Moment of Silence“ and „Darkstar One“.
After several years of working on solo projects including Ubisoft’s „Settlers – Rise of the Cultures“ and the composition of the orchestral themes for the Gamestar awards gala shows, Henning rejoined the Dynamedion team in early 2013. Henning can at times be seen playing fiddle and whistles together with his acoustic folk band An-Spiorad.
Henning enriches his compositions with the various instruments he plays (Piano, Violin, Electric and Acoustic Guitars, Electric Bass, Irish Bouzouki, Ukulele, Irish whistles, Duduk, Shakuhachi, Saxoflute) and which make him an expert for medieval and folk styled projects.
Orchestral/Hybrid, Folk and Medieval, Dark Orchestral/Horror, Heavy Rock and Gritty Pop, soft Piano pieces, String Arrangements and a blend of all of the above
- Age Of Empires IV
- Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia
- Global Music Awards 2016
- Champions Of Anteria
- Path Of War
- Demon Seals (镇魔曲)
- Iron Knight (刀锋铁骑)
- Lords Of The Fallen
- Risen 3: Titan Lords
- We Fly (全民超神)
- Age Of Gunslingers (枪神纪)
- Sacred 3
- Monster Hunter Online (怪物猎人 Online)
- The Settlers Series
- Smite: Heroes of the Wild
- The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
- Marvel Super War